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2019 Scholarship Recipients


Board Members and 2019 Scholarship Recipients the Tafoya Family

After two years of hard work, we are happy to announce our first scholarship recipients! We want to thank each and every donor who supported us in reaching this momentous occasion. We would like to especially recognize Grammy winners Gaby Moreno and Los Lobos for being one of our earliest supporters. In this round, three scholarships were awarded.

The Tafoya family has deep roots in Boyle Heights spanning nearly 50 years. Brenda is a single mother of two bright loving children ages 14 and 7. Health and financial barriers prevented her from providing the arts for her children, let alone herself. These were similar barriers her parents faced when she was a child. It pained her to think that her past was about to repeat itself, this time for her children.

That cycle ended when she set foot in the Candelas guitar shop. When Tomas Delgado selected them for their scholarships, Brenda said " made us feel so happy and special! It is a dream come true and we feel so honored to be children could not stop talking about it!" The scholarships awarded include guitars, books, accessories, and music lessons for the entire family.

When asked what the scholarship meant for her and her family, Brenda stated, "the scholarship means so much for us. It is a true blessing. I am looking forward to sharing the experience...alongside my children. We've been going through a lot as a family in the last couple of years and I feel that we can heal together through music."

Music and arts means a lot to the Tafoya family. Brenda believes that it bridges gaps through generations. "It allow[s] me to connect with my children. For my daughter, it is a form of escapism and expressionism. For my son, it is a form of storytelling and play. I think learning music together [will] bring a deeper meaning to music and the arts for our family. We [can] connect by [learning] a new language. We [can] also help each other we go through the lessons together."

End your year right with a tax deductible donation! Help us expand our mission by donating to our foundation here: DONATE NOW. Your support impacts the lives of families for generations to come!

(Quotes edited for length and clarity)

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